Members Contact Us
If you have questions about your membership, please first refer to your copy of your membership contract agreement. This was a pink copy given to you when you became a member. If you still have questions you can give us a call between the hours of 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday or email us anytime at
Cancellations are done at the gym by filling out a cancellation form.
Any outstanding balances must be paid for cancellation to take place.
You will receive a copy for your records.
Cancelling or freezing your membership is an easy process as long as you have fulfilled the term of the contract obligation as outlined in your agreement. Also outlined in your contract is that after the obligation term, the membership converts to a month to month agreement that can be cancelled with 30 days written notice via the cancellation form.
Members suggestion box
The Management at SMAC seriously value the input and suggestions from our members.
If you have an idea of how we can improve, we would love to hear from you. Also, if you feel there is something we, or a member of our Staff are doing a great job at we would love to hear about that as well.
Keep in mind, we can not honor all suggestions, but we take each one under serious consideration as we determine any new changes at the facility. Email suggestions to